Smart Livable Cities

Smart Livable Cities

Bhuh Pramaan provides GIS/IOT based solutions to increase efficiencies in resource optimization for sustainable cities. Bhuh Pramaan integrates technology into a strategic approach leading to sustainability.


Streamlined transportation to optimize traffic flow and increase connectivity. Smart applications decongest traffic based on real-time navigation alerts to drivers/commuters.

We enable digital solutions to process data from IOT sensors/real-time video feeds to provide intelligent commute planning.


Renewable energy resources, wastewater remediation, healthy air quality and communities contribute towards a smart environment.

Smart applications for building-automation systems, advanced water metering and real-time air quality monitoring translate to sustainable management of urban centres.

Smart living

Energy-efficient building management systems, connected grids and smart public transportation contribute towards smart living.

E-citizen connect centres to facilitate data-driven response system enhance tax-collection, utility management and monitoring of support systems.

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